"Marano is quite possibly the most captivating in the film, drawing you into every scene she graces. Her comedic timing allows her to volley back and forth with the entire cast, including the hilarious BroadwayWorld Award Winner Josh Rhett Noble (Law & Order: SVU, TIME: The Kalief Browder Story) seen in a comedic cameo as grumpy "patron" Jared."

"He is flanked by award-winning theater veteran Josh Rhett Noble (Law & Order: SVU) as "Officer Richter" who does a stellar job grounding each scene he has with his limited time on screen."
— Rotten Tomatoes, WRONG PLACE
![]() LA CAGE | ![]() 9 TO 5 | ![]() NEXT FALL | ![]() THE SOUND OF MUSIC |
THIS IS THE YEAR (film) | "Homeless Jared"

"Lorenzo Henrie does a banging job playing Josh. And Vanessa Marano (one of my faves) steals every scene she is in as Molly. I'd pay to see an entire spin off with her just screaming at Jared (Josh Rhett Noble) in the theater. What a fun escape."
- Rotten Tomatoes
"Marano is quite possibly the most captivating in the film, drawing you into every scene she graces. Her comedic timing allows her to volley back and forth with the entire cast, including the hilarious BroadwayWorld Award Winner Josh Rhett Noble (Law & Order: SVU, TIME: The Kalief Browder Story) seen in a comedic cameo as grumpy "patron" Jared."
- IMDb
"Jones has assembled an all-star cast of professionals, several of whom she has brought in from New York including Josh Rhett Noble. Audiences will recognize songs like “The Best of Times” and “I Am What I am,” the latter sung heartbreakingly beautifully by Noble."
- Stuart News
9 TO 5: THE MUSICAL | "Franklin Hart, Jr."
"Josh Rhett Noble played the lusty but lovable boss, Franklin Hart, Jr., and his experience as a New York theatre veteran showed. His performance was every bit as good as that of Marc Kudisch’s on Broadway, if not a bit better, in my opinion. His range of facial expressions was amazing!"
- Stuart News
"This is a "don't miss" show! Bravo to StarStruck for choosing such a gutsy show that addresses such deep and important issues. It is a perfect venue for the comedy timing and emotional nuances displayed by Josh Rhett Noble and Elizabeth Casalini."
- Stuart News Online Reviews
SOUND OF MUSIC | "Captain von Trapp"
“Colleen Phillips as Maria and Josh Noble as Captain Von Trapp have a delightful chemistry on stage.”
- Palm Beach Post Event Reviews
“Colleen Phillips as Maria, and Josh Rhett Noble, a New York actor seen in last season's "Company," as Captain von Trapp...Both were in fine voice...”
- Hometown News
"Josh R. Noble steals the show with his portrayal of Gaston, who seemingly leaps out of the animated movie and onto the Lyric stage. His smug, Cheshire grin alone is enough to draw a giggle, but then he opens his mouth and the entire theater explodes into laughter."
- The News/TCPalm.com
"The show-stealer, the heart-stopping Gaston, played by Josh R. Noble, was phenomenal. His hilarious acting and comical facial expressions were as close to actually being a cartoon character as you could get."
- Lakewood Observer
"The unofficial star of the show, though, is Gaston, Belle's would-be fiancé. Josh Noble conjures this self-absorbed spirit perfectly. His plastic hair, wide, toothy grin and ceaseless posturing round out the portrayal."
- The Plain Dealer
"Most notable is Josh Noble as the egocentric villain Gaston whose every self absorbed moment brings laughs." - Chagrin Valley Times
Josh Noble as the handsome, but empty-headed swash-buckler Gaston, is perfect..."
- Cool Cleveland
"...Josh R. Noble (Gaston) should definitely be persuaded to stick around. Stout-voiced, buff and handsome, Noble is also most amusingly insufferable..."
- Free Times
"Sternfeld has cast his principals so well that some of the characters, notably Belle and Gaston, even resemble their animated counterparts in the film version...With his slick, black pompadour, preening gestures, and hulking swagger (a droll imitation of Arnold Schwarzenegger), Josh R. Noble is a shoo-in for the rude and conceited Gaston. Noble is an equally fine vocalist, whose paean to himself, “Me,” is a humorous blend of swagger and pomp."
- Backstage Magazine: The Actors Resource/NYC
"This level of excellence is continued in the over-the-top role of the villainous Gaston, as Josh R. Noble combines a plastic Schwarzenegger grin with a Johnny Cash hairdo to ignite laughs merely with the turn of his head. When he sings his proposal to Belle, crooning, "We shall be the perfect pair/Rather like my thighs," every musical and comic note is hit with perfection."
- Scene Magazine
"Gaston and his flunky Lefou supply the comedy relief with characters executed flawlessly by Josh R. Noble and Matty Colonna."
- The Hometown News/ Lifestyle: Martin County
Josh R. Noble's Gaston was absolutely hysterical and played to the hilt..."
- North East Ohio Web
"Josh Noble purposefully overplays Gaston’s cartoon character with a swash and a buckle and a cheesy grin. He’s a lot of fun to watch – I’m sure it’s hard to see how much work goes into making a character look that easy. No one Gastons like Noble."
- Cool Cleveland
"...hunky villain...we see Josh Noble in a lustily-danced barroom brawl as the deliciously grinning, too-pretty villain."
- Free Times
"In one of the great comic roles in musicals, Josh R. Noble is a hoot again as Gaston, a mass of rippling and quivering ego topped by a clueless grin that looks like an overly aggressive teeth-whitening ad."
- Scene Magazine
"Josh R. Noble reprises his scene-stealing turn as the amusingly egotistical Gaston who's nonplussed and then outraged when Belle doesn't fall at his self-satisfied feet."
- Free Times Preview
"The kids (not to mention oldsters) have a great villain to laugh at in Josh Rhett Noble's Gaston, a muscle-headed doofus for the ages."
- Cleveland Scene
"Josh Rhett Noble as Gaston sings and strikes his poses, and Lefou, with a mastery he makes look easy by his long familiarity with the role."
- CoolCleveland
"Josh Rhett Noble is a square-jawed Gaston — the egotistical hunter of the beast and enamored of Belle. Noble is the cartoon character come to life."
- West Life News
"The boy was squealing with delight especially at the antics of actor Josh Rhett Noble, who plays the conceited villain Gaston, who is in love, no OBSESSED, with the beautiful Belle. Noble, looking like movie star Steven Seagal with a ponytail, gives Gaston an over-the-top swagger, flexing his muscles proudly and flashing a smile bearing his teeth. Every syllable Gaston utters, every move he makes seemed fresh: From the smug expression that drips from his face as he tosses people to the ground to the rough, confident manner in which he hugs Belle."
- Norwalk Reflector
"Awesome performances are turned in by all the principals, notably Natalie Green who plays Beauty with gutsy grace and Josh Rhett Noble whose Gaston is the guy you love to hate."
- Free Times
“Singing standout Noble gets to interact with the audience and leave a breathless impression on one lucky girl.”
- Spangle Magazine
“With his boyish good looks and clean cut charm, Josh Rhett Noble sings like an angel...”
- Cleveland Jewish News
"...hottie Matthew...(wonderfully played by Noble), whose job it is to gloss over the various foibles of his Boyz. Noble and Haak are the best singers and actors in the bunch."
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“Josh Rhett Noble plays Matthew’s earnest humor to the hilt in "Something About You."
- The Plain Dealer
“As the group's leader, Josh Rhett Noble hypnotizes with his Elmer Gantry-on-steroids grin.”
- Keith A. Joseph
“There aren’t many cottage industries in professional theater, but it seems that Josh Rhett Noble has a pretty good thing going with Altar Boyz, now playing the Hanna Theatre at PlayhouseSquare. After playing lead singer Matthew at Beck Center a couple years ago, and at TrueNorth Theatre last autumn, here he goes again....energetic romp...a feel-good 90 minutes. The Boyz attack the songs by Gary Adler and Michael Patrick Walker with unflagging gusto, and have plenty of fun with the sub-storylines in Kevin Del Aguila’s book."
- Rave & Pan / Cleveland Scene
“Josh Rhett Noble's (Matthew) experience with the script shines through. His lines seemed very natural as though he indeed was on the last night of the “Raise The Praise” tour. His vocals were spot on and he really came across as a big brother figure to his ‘AB boyz.’ His rendition of “Girl, You Make Me Want To Wait” will have you laughing out loud.”
- Kory On-the-Radio/ Q-104
“Matthew (Josh Rhett Noble) is the group’s fearless leader – he sports an infectious smile and the ability to bring everyone together in praise.”
- The Examiner
“Josh Rhett Noble, Connor O’Brien, Dan Grgic, Ryan Jagru and new kid Matthew Ryan Thompson are top-notch performers. Their harmonies are gorgeous, their stage presence is intoxicating, their dancing is unself-conscious and joyful, and their rapport is genuine.”
- News-Herald
"Josh Rhett Noble sings well in a gentle, lyrical way—his “Something About You” solo is a tender highlight—and he establishes a firm center for the other players."
- Rave and Pan
"Matthew (Josh Rhett Noble) is the hunky leader of the group. When Matthew gets to perform a nuanced number called Something About You, its an effective counterbalance...Nobles Matthew is a solid anchor, with an amiable stage presence."
- Southern Voice
"The lineup includes Matthew (Josh Rhett Noble), the leader and heartthrob; Matthew displays some Barry White-style soul when he serenades a woman from the audience with the abstinence-based chorus, You make me want to wait."
- Creative Loafing
"Josh Rhett Noble is a perfect Matthew. With a smooth voice and rocker-boy look, Noble dances perfectly and brings his own touch to the "straight character" in the show."
- Atlanta Theater Review
"You've really got to be quite the misanthrope to resist this confection of good will, high spirits, and joy that director Jeff Adler and five irresistible young actors are offering us...these five performers fill the Horizon stage with a lot of singing, dancing, and acting talent. Each of them carries his own spotlight, so to speak: Each has charm and charisma, qualities you really can't fake. Moreover, they are a team, a family; they have each other's backs, and this brotherhood is ultimately what wins us over. They are mischievous, sexy, sweet, and tons of fun. They will make you laugh."
- Atlanta In Town
“Altar Boyz is comprised of Matthew, the leader with the boyish good looks; Josh Rhett Noble as Matthew is spot-on as the gallant leader, earnest to the point of distraction.”
- Gay People’s Chronicle
“The Boyz look and sound and play like a million bucks...the cast is as cute as it is talented. Josh Rhett Noble plays squeaky-clean band leader Matthew.”
- The Plain Dealer
“Josh Rhett Noble, John Riddle, Dan Grgic, Ryan Jagru and Connor O’Brien perform Verb Ballet choreographer Hernando Cortez’s knowing spoof of disco-fever dance with gleeful effortlessness and thanks to director Scott Spence’s guidance - make every madcap moment fly.”
- Scene Magazine
“The cast was simply incredible. Director Scott Spence had the vision to find young men who not only were able to dance and sing incredibly well, but who truly bring their diverse characters to life...this includes the leader of the group Josh Noble...hands down a perfect leading man to the group.”
- North East Ohio Web
"Josh Rhett Noble, recreating his marvelous performance as the band's founder Matthew..."
- Morning Journal
"Outstanding young actor and future star Josh Noble is perfect..."
- Outlook Magazine
"Aspiring young actor Josh R. Noble (is) headed for future stardom..."
- Hot Spots Magazine/Curtain Up
FOREVER PLAID | "Smudge" & "Sparky"
"Standout numbers include...Noble’s rendition of the Tennessee Ernie Ford classic “Sixteen Tons,” accompanying himself on a ketchup bottle."
- The Hippo
"Noble excels at making the audience laugh, but when it's time, he also can bring drama to the stage. Investing so much in his character makes Noble capable of conveying real emotion to the audience."
- Gainesville Times
"Leading the comic parade is Noble. He is just hilarious in every situation, and has a set of hips that deserves a curtain call. He was on the top of my laugh list."
"Noteworthy highlights include…Noble’s smooth sound in “Catch a Falling Star.”
- The Examiner
"The performers…Josh Rhett Noble as the lovable, eager, adventurous, often goofy Sparky. All have fine singing voices and display good comic timing."
- BroadwayWorld
"Then there’s Sparky, often the spark of the show, played by Josh Rhett Noble, an exuberant, funny performer with a goofy smile and a tendency to show off. He’s the group’s clown and loves singing solos."
- Norwalk Reflector
JEKYLL & HYDE | "Simon Stride" & "John Utterson"
"Fine vocal performances are also turned in by Josh R. Noble."
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution
"The role of John Utterson is kind of a thankless role. Important to the story, but not given tremendous weight, that is, until you have someone with the class and style of Josh Rhett Noble. He brings layers of emotion, and tremendous stage presence to his scenes, and becomes a quiet anchor to the distressing storyline."
- Tpography.com
"Josh Rhett Noble adds weight, dimension and a much needed baritone to every scene in which Dr. Jekyll’s best friend, John Utterson, appears. His very presence changes the dynamics on stage."
- Cleveland Jewish News
"Josh Rhett Noble is a solid and sturdy wingman who valiantly tries to save his friend from an unspeakable fate."
- In the Land of Cleve
"Josh Rhett Noble as John Utterson presents himself well for his solo…all of the principles gave 110% of themselves in their acting parts giving profoundly believable performances."
- The Examiner
"Noble was exquisite..."
- Atlanta Theater Review
"Josh Rhett Noble steals the show in the second act with his quaffed, spandex-ed Elvisy Pharaoh. "
- Q104 / KoryOnTheRadio
"Other enjoyable moments in the show include the Pharaoh’s (Josh Rhett Noble) Elvis-impersonating rendition of Song of the King..."
- The Examiner
"Josh Rhett Noble, he of swiveling hips and the Elvis smirk and snarl, is point on as the Pharaoh, stopping the show with his “Song of the King.”
- Cool Cleveland
"Josh Rhett Noble, Beck’s go-to guy for arrogant, testosterone-riddled dudes, has fun with Pharaoh/Elvis!"
- The Plain Dealer/Rave & Pan
"One stand out is Josh Rhett Noble...Noble gives a defined characterization to each role and a true to life realism."
- TheaterMania/NYC
Demo Reel (Serious)
Demo Reel (Comedic)
Comedic Scene: TROUBLE (film)
Comedic Scene: THERAPY (tv)
Dramatic Scene: LAW & ORDER: SVU (tv)
Dramatic Scene: TROUBLE (film)
Dramatic Scene: I'D KILL FOR YOU (tv)
Dramatic Scene: IN BETWEEN (film)
"Remember When it Rained"
"Wherever You Will Go"
"Edelweiss" - SOUND OF MUSIC
"If I Can't Love Her" - BEAUTY & THE BEAST
"Work and Nothing More" - JEKYLL & HYDE
"Here For You" - 9 TO 5: THE MUSICAL